Sunday, 7 September 2014

Sunday Service Sermon(7th September,2014)

                     Message Title: Making Good success

Text: Joshua 1:8Minister:  Pastor Gbenga

                   In the book of Daniel we read that king Nebuchadnezzar had a dream but he forgot, he then asked of all the astrologers  to tell him  his dream and interpret the dream for him Dan 2:46
        Our God is a God of success, there is no failure in God John 1:5b " that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all." , Gen 1:1-27.
           God never failed at creation? Anything he said came to pass , Our God is a God of success and we can't find failure in him and it is because of these he wants all his sons and daughters to become success. Part of God's divine DNA of success was released into man, and after he breath into him, he gave him the first exam to name all the animals in the kingdom and after that he had good success. Now lets look at verses 19 and 20 of Gen 1, and the names he gave them, that was the name he already gave them in other-words God had a name for every animal that he created but he wanted to test the success of the DNA he passed unto us
Why does God wants us to be successful
       Our being successful reveals his glory : your failure does not do good to God, Why would a child of God be failing? God desires to see us successful , good success, outstanding success .

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Exam Tips To Keep You Going

                As exams commences on Monday 8th ,September 2014. We are wishing you a successful exam and its our prayer that you come out tops in your respective departments.  Its is good to study our books but sometimes as students, we tend to overdo things. Below are things to consider during this crucial period:

1. Pray

            Before any study session spend a few moments praying. Sometimes we think that God is only in the most spiritual parts of their lives, but God is in every aspect of your life. He wants you to succeed. Praying can bring you closer to God and make you feel a little stronger and relaxed going into the examination hall.

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Deliver Me From Earthwardness by Gbile Akanni

Lord, I found my passions going the way of the earth. Earthy desires, like those of the men of the earth, conspire to make me heavy towards you. Earthly attachments, earthy longings, earthward attractions still show themselves in my natural mien. I seem to battle, some of the time, with a force of gravity pulling me towards earth’s activities and earth’s concerns and earth’s matters. When Lord, would I actually be free to soar the realms above? Beyond sinful lusts and worldliness, I found a general mental earthwardness that makes me yet more comfortable with the men of the earth than with the eternal beings above.